What a healthy dinner! Of course after, we filled up on BYU Mint Brownies that Brynn and I had made. We just googled "mint brownies" and that was the name of the recipe that came up. Our brownies however, were True Blue because we didn't have any green food coloring.
Anyway, thanks to http://bountifulbaskets.org it has been like summer every day with all this fresh garden produce. Bountiful baskets, in case you don't already know is a food co-op where you get a good haul of fresh produce in exchange for a minimal fee and some volunteer effort. This is our second time ordering. We got avocados, oranges, strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, romaine, squash, and a coconut. Total cost $15.00. Something about having a basket full of garden surprises makes it way more fun to eat veggies. ( You never know what you're going to get when you show up) We've had salads every day. The bread is ciabatta bread. I didn't know what that was when I ordered it but I thought it sounded fun. It made for some tasty garlic bread. I first heard about this organization from Michelle. Has anyone else joined? So far so good...
We could have lost all our dinner at the carnival which we headed to shortly after. The people on the ride before us did.
The girls absolutely would not let the weekend go by without making sure we took them to the carnival. Kate and Brynn were up for all the wild rides. The carnival workers don't really enforce the height rules so I was able to take them on the whirliest twirliest ride there. Luckily, we all kept our dinners down but there was plenty of screaming! Cannon and Adrie went on the Merry -go -round. At least we didn't lose Bud this time but we did lose Dad. He kept getting sidetracked by people that I didn't know...which could only mean that they were clients.
Fun times for everyone!