We had 26 people--just perfect for us to go around each table and beginning with the letter A, say something we were thankful with that started with that letter. It was a great way to learn something about everyone. Ben had X. He was grateful for Xtended family. Little Quintin had K. He was grateful for Kate.
I couldn't believe how lucky we were to get AZ weather in UT in November. The kids could play outside and we could enjoy fresh air. (and snap a few photos of it all) This is my sister Shannon with her kids and their very significant others. I think they all chose wisely.
Youngest to oldest.
After the feast we went to the park for a big ol' football game and some goofing around.
My sister Rayanne with her kids and their kids.
The kids followed Ben around like he was the Pied Piper.
Like mother like daughter.
Three generations.
Topher and Joanna
My favorite--family game night. Ben started it off with a stand-up comedy routine. Here Sami and Kate are taking a turn entertaining us with the group game, "hitchhiker."
My sisters and I wowed everyone with our karaoke performance of "Addicted to Love." Notice there was no one around. A Wii Dance competition followed. That brought everyone back.
The best laughs of the night came from the guys dancing to Tik-Tok. Look for it soon on YouTube:) I love this photo of it. No way did the night end there!
Collaborating, Strategizing, Networking
What the photos don't show are the ones who battled with the whole county for Black Friday deals at Wmart, the kids falling asleep watching movies, the indoor camping scene in the basement. Girls got the beds in the bedrooms and boys camped on air mattresses in the family room. Some of us stayed up late, late, late talking and laughing. Do I dare say 2:30 a.m.?
The adventure continued the next day with ATV rentals and exploring the mighty web of trails in the surrounding mountains.
Any Black Friday sales on these?
Now entering Fishlake National Forest.
It seems like someone gets injured every time we mix 4-wheelers and family so we felt extra grateful this year that nothing major happened. Mud splatters yes, and maybe a minor rim bending collision, but no bodily harm, just pure fun. We took turns riding then warming up with hot chocolate back at the house.
The little guys.
Loved every minute of it of the whole weekend. I was so happy to be surrounded by some of my favorite people. They're all gone and they left the campground better than they found it in more ways than one. We'll do it again in 2 years. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Now it's time to put up the Christmas tree!