Last night after Cannon's bath (oooh I love baby baths) I invited all the girls to come over and admire his fluffy hair and smell his head. Adrie (3) leaned in and sniffed and then said, as if auditioning for a commercial, "Mmmmmm, smells like Spring!"
Sleep Deprivation Experiment --Week #2
I made a deal with baby (in the midnight hours) that I would feed him only if he promised to go right back to sleep. He didn't keep his end of the deal. First it was poo, then hiccups, then poo, then he found his hand and gnawing on it made him remember how hungry he still was. The cycle continued until morning when the girls woke up like gangbusters ready for a new day.
Oh, yes those sleepless nights are tough ones, where you just want to cry from being so tired. But look how cute! And you have THREE mini-Lauras! I am sure Brandon is in there somewhere too, but being so much more familiar with your features, I totally see you in them! What adorable girls!
by the way, I totally need your new e-mail address, I think the other one I have is not working--do you still have mine? I saw this the other day--so sad!
I know the pattern all too well- feed well, change, settle down...and then an explosion! Start all over again...but it is nice to hang out with them all night, isn't it? You try to explain to your kids that yo are tired and the baby doesn't sleep but they are not good listeners! Good times!
Sleep is so overrated. Otherwise, how would Starbucks do so well? I'm glad to learn spring smells like Cannon. Maybe there will be lots less allergies that way.
would you feel comforted if I said there was an end to the madness and when your last is almost 4 you'll be sleeping through every night... hopefully not because frankly it isn't true - I just get to be up for some different reasons :)
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