Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It occurred to me the other day how lucky we are to live in a place where we can still do the traditional door to door trick-or-treating . It is afterall, one of the highlights of kid-dom. We had a great holiday full of parties . Each of the kids were happy with their costumes and bonus! 2 of them were recycled from last year. Bud wanted to squeeze into his baby alligator costume, and he did for the church party, but then I convinced him to go with the more roomy skeleton.  Maybe it was the amazing weather, but we had way more trick or treaters than I could have expected. Last year we handed out around 100 pieces of candy. This year I bought 150 (and didn't even eat it before because it wasn't chocolate.) We ran out at 8 p.m.!! That was a good excuse to get in the car and go visit our old neighbors and the "Halloween House" which should win a national prize for most amazing display of death and spooks ever!!  Fog was even coming out of the house...
Amazing. Anyway...
Here it is. This year's Halloween crew
Some things are better in multiples, and you know you can't just have one M&M
Spidergirls and their sidekick Bones

Dividing up the booty
Kate and Cuddles, the monster we created to scare away the trick or treaters.  Obviously, his effect was the opposite.
Family Party featuring Caramel apples, Monster Mash with Megan, Spooky story by Dad. Ghoulash for dinner, Carnival Games and to top it off a hayride through the Haunted Fields. 

I thought this year's family party was the best yet. The new addition of the haunted fields was completely thrilling, even with 3 little cousins piled on top of me, one squeezing my finger  the whole time. 

Does it seem like Christmas with all the parties going on? We had a church party.  I helped with Kate's school party. Last week we went to Fremont Indian State Park for their Halloween extravaganza. We came home with about 10 pounds of candy and nightmares from the too spooky walk through the woods (teenagers with chainsaws, need I say more.)
Family Night pumpkin carving and salted buttery roasted seeds for a treat.
Let's hear it for a last Hurrah for Halloween. Now I can't wait to get outside and un-decorate!
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Sherie Christensen said...

Wow! You really know how to party. I love the pumpkins and that you just went somewhere fun after you ran out of candy. I undecorated yesterday. halloween decorations aren't exactly my favorite.

Megz said...

There does seem to be an increase in festivities. I just don't know why we need trunk or treats when people still turn around and go door to door. Seriously, how much candy must I buy every year?
Love the costumes.