Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Conference Gleanings

Last weekend was the hundred and somethingeth General Conference which we relish as a good time for spiritual and literal feasting and a few projects.

Can you match each family member with which special treat they chose for the event? 
answers below

Project #1:  Food Insurance for Six

Project  #2:  Assembly Required.  Raising a new generation of trampoline lovers.
 Most exciting of all was this:  Kate's 6th Grade Basketball Traveling Team placed 3rd in the Region. Aren't they cool?!

In and around and between all that we listened to the Good Word.  The literate ones in the family wrote down a few tidbits according to age.

A:  Jesus is real * You need to get baptized * You can be healed *  Healing comes when you move away from darkness. 

B: "True things from Conference":  You should be kind and honest * God is our loving forgiving father * Jesus rose from the dead * Jesus began teaching by inviting * Jesus taught if ye love me Keep My Commandments * Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself * The lamb of God redeemed us by his blood*  Jesus is Jehovah. 

K: No force can stop the work of God * Be an instrument * Take away your guilty feeling * Pray for others * Share gospel * Forgive people * Give to poor and needy * give generously to needy * Fast offerings help the hungry * 300,000 hours of service were given to help people during Hurricane Sandy

Oh yes, there was nail decorating (courtesy of Jamberry Nails) 

My own conference gleanings: 

Faith is a real power    Few things are more powerful than the prayers of a righteous mother  Procreative and Priesthood power are shared by men and women. 
 Cedar City is getting a temple!  Peace = abiding deep happiness and spiritual contentment. The Gospel is peace.  14, 722, 000 members of the church.  The Gospel teaches us  what we must  KNOW, DO, and BE.   As we draw near to God, He draws near to us.  Missionaries are in 189/224 countries in the world. Pray to open areas not available.  Sharing faith online is a part of our daily lives   Everyone has the power to increase a child's confidence and faith with the words they speak and write.  Marriage is humility, repentance, respect, transparency, love.  Be fiercely loyal.  Obedience to the law is liberty.  Next to life itself free agency is God's greatest gift.   Be not afraid, only believe.   To contend you need two people and I will not be one of them.  Humbly and quietly trust in the Lord--He will help us in every challenge.  Go about doing good--helping, defending truth, alleviating suffering. 

treat answers: BD--beef jerky, ME--Flipz, K--orange sticks, B--Andes mints, A--Goldfish, C--Animal cookies


Sherie Christensen said...

Thank you! And congrats to Kate! And to you for the awesome food storage.

cold cocoa said...

Kate does some amazing nails. Congrats to her team, too. Flipz are yummy. Glad you guys learned some good things!

Megan Goates said...

You should teach food storage organization classes. Or just one class, to me in my basement cold storage room, while we tell each other funny stories and get caught up.