Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Pictures

Our day started at 1:45 a.m. when Kate woke everyone up to open presents. NOT. She and her gang were promptly sent to bed and told to try again at 7 a.m.
Admiring the stockings started at 6:45 a.m. Present opening, at 7 a.m. Finished, 7:57 a.m.

Santa scored big with the American Dolls

Nothing like a sweet silver tie to ring in the New Year!

Christmas Eve: Brynn said she didn't like her new pajamas she LOVED them!
Currently: Brandon is working on a 300-piece puzzle of Hannah Montana (Kate gave up a long time ago)
Kate and Adrie are playing with Barbie soccer mom and pals
Brynn is brushing Julie doll's long magnificent blonde mane.
Cannon is eating wrapping paper and other choking hazards.
I am going to get out of my p.j.'s so I can get ready for Christmas dinner at the neighbor's. We'll see how we like roast duck a-l'orange.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Reasons to Celebrate

Today we celebrate the birthday of Joseph Smith--which is a tradition we inherited from BD's side of the family. Who wouldn't want one more reason to celebrate this time of year?! We decided to throw a party for the neighborhood kids. If you want to --there's still time to party. Just follow these instructions:

1: Send out invitations a couple of hours ahead: Come celebrate Joseph Smith's Birthday with a Cake Decorating Party. Today at: (time, location, etc.) For free clip-art photos go to

2. Bake a white cake in a 9x13 pan. When cooled, Cut in half long-ways. With each rectangle cut zig-zag to make triangle shapes--makes 12. Have frosting, gum-drops, m&m's, candy, etc. handy in bowls.

3. Hang up Joseph Smith timeline from the December 2008 issue of the Friend--at your guests eye level.

4. Game: This is like pin the tail on the donkey, except it's pin Joseph on the timeline. Cut out one of the mini Joseph pictures from the clip-art on your invitation for the tail. Blindfold the first player, spin them around, then set them off. Have them read whatever tidbit they land on. Whoever is listening and can answer a question about what they just learn earns an m&m.

5. Decorate cakes. Give a triangle piece of cake on a plate to each guest. This is supposed to look like a mini-tree. Let them decorate it with the frosting, candy, etc. They can eat it or save. TIP: write each guests name on their plate.

6. What kind of games did Joseph play on his birthday? not Wii, not Barbies. Who knows? We played hide and go seek. WARNING: this is a great way to get your closets messed up and your tree knocked over.

7. Send guests outside to throw snowballs at each other. That way you can have some quiet and they can get cold enough to enjoy the hot chocolate you will serve when they come in.

8. Assign the man of the house to dress up in a trenchcoat, and introduce himself as Joseph Smith. He can tell your guests more about his life and request that everyone sing Happy Birthday to him. He can rough-house play with them for a while as a bonus.

9. If the guests still want to stick around you can read a Christmas story then have free time for mingling, playing, and eating the leftover candy decorations.

10. Send everyone home and take a nap. Happy Birthday Joseph Smith!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dear Santa,

Mom read us a story yesterday about Laura Ingalls in the Big Woods and how she and her sisters only got peppermint sticks and mittens for Christmas and Laura got a rag doll named Charlotte too. Mom thought that sounded so simple and wonderful. Brynn scowled and wanted to know why you were meaner back then. Kate wondered when you were invented and has there only been one of you or do you get old and die and then there is a new Santa?
Sorry, Cannon didn't like you at the family party. He usually likes everyone.

Adrie and sisters.

p.s. we still want American Girl Dolls

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa Called

Dad told the girls that Santa called and wanted to know their FINAL decision on what they want for Christmas. Did they want the pretty (and pricey) American Girl dolls or the (bargain version at Target which would come with it's own pony to ride and still be HALF the price)--(please oh pretty please choose this option)

Kate and Brynn told Dad to give Santa the message that they would like the American Girls. Kate would like "Josefina" and Brynn would like "Julie." Adrie wanted "Baby Alive" which I am hoping means any cute baby and not one that does peeing and pooing--Hello! We already have one of those named Cannon.
So, it's time to make the girls' dreams come true. Google coupons? free shipping codes? Send them my way. We gotta help Santa out. (Santa is at least comforted in thinking about the many hours of wholesome fun they'll be having together)