Thursday, February 2, 2012

Oh Me of Little Faith

It's a pretty sad night at our house if we're having mac-n-cheese from a box for dinner.  Brandon is away volunteering in the Special Olympics. He plays volleyball as a "unified" member on a team of "specials." I think I tried to explain this last year. Anyway, they are hoping to defend their gold medal from last year. Good stuff but that leaves me no adult to talk to-- No one to process the day with...and today needs processing...

I got an "assignment" to be in charge of the stake (community) young women  (16-18 year old girls) summer camp retreat. Gulp. It's a mouthful and a handful. To come up with an awesome mountain adventure overnighter thing and find some motivational speakers to fire up the girls into being awesome leaders to the younger girls seems pretty overwhelming.  I sure wouldn't have picked me for this job--What do I know about outdoor teenage adventure around these parts??! We don't even have 4-wheel drive.   I've got a lot to learn and I'm feeling suddenly very unresourceful but like all good things I know it will come together and turn out fine in the end. For now though, I'm just gonna have a good cry.


stephanie said...

Oh Man! I would be crying too! However, I am sure you will be awesome at fulfilling this assignment.

I hope Brandon gets the gold!

Sheree said...

That is my nightmare. I have a hard time with the pressure of planning that kind of stuff. I have an awesome motivational speaker if you need one! My step-mom Diane does EFY's and Ed Week and has a great talk about the atonement and how it relates to her adventure climbing Kilimanjaro. I know she's done a lot for YW too.

Michelle said...

I find it interesting that the people who want to do those sorts of things get put into callings that help their other talents grow. That is why I am never called as a teacher or as a last minute speaker in Sacrament meeting. Oh, well. I will fight my feminist feelings and be a cub scout leader and pray that you can find the faith and specific knowledge that you need.

Megz said...

Just making lemonade here...but you've got the older girls who can usually be more supportive of new things and you don't have to worry about passing stuff off. Is it like a 'leadership retreat'? Someone has got to have a cabin they'll let you use. I think the Christensens do. Sugardoodle will set you free. Good luck--you'll do great!

cold cocoa said...

That sounds overwhelming to me, too- but I bet you woke up this morning ready to conquer this baby. You'll come up with something great, then you'll enjoy watching it play out.

Sherie Christensen said...

Wow! I'm really thankful all of a sudden for my calling. That being said, I'm sure you will come up with something fabulous. Brandon's a good speaker right? Doran? Maybe Megz? I hear some good missionaries are coming home before summer hits:) There. I've contributed my helpful comments. Call anytime you want to talk things through and B.D. is off doing some good works or other stuff.