Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day Trip to Arches

I'd only been home from California a couple of days but the kids were out of school for President's day. We had to take advantage of the day off and fulfill #1 on Sofie's bucket list for Utah

Delicate Arch

The desert in this part of the state is beautiful! We marveled at all the cool rock formations. 
The sky quickly became grey and before we knew it we were in a blizzard! It didn't stop us from running up the trail to see Windows arches.

Thankfully the storm blew away quickly and the sky was at least partially clear. We decided to take the 3 mile trek to get up close and personal with the famous Arch.
After wandering through sandy desert trail past petroglyphs, up a steep slick-rock mountain, we wound along a narrow trail with a cliff drop off one one side and sheer rock cliff on the other. Then we turned a corner and suddenly...this!

Well worth the effort!

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