Speaking of not having to walk very far---I need excercise! I know when I start to get mentally ill that I haven't excercised in a week. BD practically had to kick me out of bed to go running the other day. I just haven't set up a good routine--Do you have one? My favorite excercise is running--maximum benefits in the shortest amount of time. That's my style. If only Cannon would sleep better (I blame him for everything lately), If only I went to bed earlier, if only my legs didn't feel like lead from taking a year off!! I will work up to it I WILL. BD says he doesn't run unless it involves chasing a ball. He is playing tennis in our city league tomorrow morning.
I do have a new favorite excercise I'd like to throw in the routine...
Last night BD and I did YOGA (he actually wanted too--this isn't like ballroom dance lessons). Whoever said Yoga was too slow and boring (all my friends) -- NUTZO! I was dripping sweat! You have to hold these amazing poses and be super strong and flexible and BREATHE! We only made it for thirty minutes of our DVD but I felt amazing afterward--taller, straighter, more graceful, sweaty--a warrior-woman. I'm hooked. 30 min of walking/Running 3x/week, 30 min. yoga 1-2x --that's my ideal workout routine.
I used to love doing my yoga routine... perhaps I need to throw that back in the mix as well. "mix" meaning here that I'm REALLY trying to walk the kids to school more mornings than I drive them!
I kept meaning to ask about that handicapped tag when we were all at the parents... glad you cleared that up for me :)
Don't you feel like you have to limp or something when you use a handicap space so people don't give you dirty looks?
I still believe in my elliptical trainer. Then I can be distracted and read and it isn't as exhausting or bad on the knees as the treadmill. I have to exercise in the morning after breakfast or it likely won't get done. I'd do it earlier but you're right- the baby thing! A good night's sleep is not guaranteed! I like videos too, but it's hard to use the tv, since that is what I put the kids in front of so I can actually exercise. Lots of time I do my Mom-style and jog around and kick while I pick up the house or put away breakfast. Whatever works, right?
I think yoga sounds great too, if I could only get myself to do it! I love these "pump" classes at the gym. It helps to keep me from quitting when I do weights. The shame factor is very motivating for me. :) I'd love to do those 2x per week, yoga 1x/week and running 3x. But that looks like way too much. So I guess I'll just stick to running.
I love to run though. I think you are wise to take time after a baby though. I think it is good to give your body a break, there is already enough to recover from! Then the sleep deprivation.
I too forgot to ask you about the handicap tag....
I've only done yoga a couple of time and agree that it's more difficult than it looks. But you have to hold stretches too long and I don't like to think about breathing (isn't that supposed to come naturally?) so I wasn't a fan.
I'm all for group exercise where my competitive nature keeps me moving on the high impact level. If I'm alone I'm more likely to take snack breaks.
In high school the most fun I had in gym class was weight lifting--a room full of football players exerting their manliness and winking at me while I dutifully completed my toning exercises with my five pound hand weights. It also produced the best results. My next favorite was step aerobics--the results were not as visible but I enjoyed the movement. Forced downtime from my pregnancies has taken away my desire for movement and sweating. So I prefer the wishing life were different method at the moment. I must warn you that the results of this last program produce the opposite effect of weight lifting.
I tried Michelle's program... even paid $19 a month for the privilege for awhile... yeah, it didn't work... of course, saving myself the $19 isn't making a huge difference either since I can't seem to motivate myself to do all of the things I know I should be doing! Maybe the Mom-style "cleaning with a boogie" is all I can hope for today... at least I'll have a clean house to show for it, even if my svelte self is still a little further off than I'd hope
I need a set time with a set babysitter. Right now I am walking with a friend since having someone expecting you helps get you out of the door. Dan rides in the stroller. However, I don't think we walk fast enough to count most days -- if you walk too fast you can't talk:). Dan's not a tiny baby but sleep isn't his thing lately so I understand the tired thing. I'm a genius at excuses. Like B.D. I prefer chasing a ball -- running gives me too much of a chance to focus on how miserable it makes me. Riding my bike is a favorite of mine too.
Hello Laura! You wrote a small book! Very informative and the pictures are fun. We would rather do ballroom dancing than yoga but any excercize is better than sitting around.
Dinner time, I'll talk later; great job on the blog. Love Annie
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