Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I'm a City Girl Again

Hello Salt Lake City! It's great to be back again. We joined BD for his annual work conference at the U. Work for him, play for us right??
After spending the first morning in a dark, stuffy hotel room and 2 hours of SpongeBob and kids fighting over the remote I was beginning to think that maybe BD had the better end of the deal! I almost cried, really, "Wait--send me to the conference!" No, in the end we pulled it off. We had plenty of adventure but not so much sleep. Here's how we spent our week:

DAY 1: This is the Place/ Heritage Park
The best thing about this is that it is way less crowded than the zoo across the street and you can pet the animals---at least the farm ones. Kate has been begging for a bunny ever since.
They enjoyed learning about pioneer life, making rag dolls, Indian arrowhead necklaces. The trainride was fun and the pony rides were a hit. Then it was..."Mom, when are we going to Lagoon?...."
DAY 2 : Lagoon. I wasn't about to tote a clunky camera around but boy I wish I could have captured the looks on Brynn and Kate's faces in the House of Horror, Colossus, Wicked, the Spider...Thanks to Cannon and Adrie for staying with Aunt Shannon so we could have such fun.
I think I got my fill of funnel cake for at least 5 years.

DAY 3: Museum of Natural History.
We always like to see rocks and dinosaur bones plus they had a pretty fun live frog exhibit. I can do a RIBBIT that really impresses the neighbor kids.

DAY 4: Why go anywhere when we can stay at the hotel and swim all day?

DAY 5: Ice skating.
Brynn won the gold-medal for ATTITUDE on this trip and this was her one request to go ice skating. How could I have remembered to pack jackets and gloves in the middle of summer? Luckily we scavenged a few items around my parents house. I just don't get how people can go backwards on those awkward things they call skates, let alone do any jumping or spinning.

Next door was Murray Park.
The girls couldn't resist the call of rolling green hills and vine trees dripping over a rushing river. We had to enjoy the freshness for a while before heading South.
There you have it. 5 days of city fun as an almost single parent. Sound exhausting? Well it was.
I'm glad to be home and sleeping in my own room. Could I just sleep for one whole day?


cold cocoa said...

I definitely think you were brave to attempt this fun time all by yourself!
And that ice skating looks rather refreshing right now. Way to live it up.

Megz said...

I think I may have stayed in the hotel room with Spongebob than go to all those places without another adult.
Go ahead and put in a Barbie movie and sleep until you're back on schedule.

Laura said...

I thought Brandon was supposed to be in a seminar, not recreating on the ice skating rink. Hopefully the drug court people won't suffer from his laxidasical attitude.

Laura said...

BTW...I was just kidding. Brandon is a consumate professional!!

Sherie Christensen said...

I was impressed last year and I'm impressed this year too. I think your kids will one day be in awe of their terrific mother (if they aren't already). I hope you get some extra sleep sometime. I think being a parent means being perpetually behind on sleep.

Laura said...

Laura, I didn't know your husband was a thespian. You learn something new everyday.'FOS' was great and I am impressed by the solo!