Friday, May 9, 2008

Art Day--Portraits

Our favorite day of the week is here. We looked at Boticelli's Portrait of a Young Man and learned some skills for creating portraits such as not to draw eyes at the top of the head, make the neck as thick as the head, and eyeballs are football shaped, not round. The girls took turns posing and we tried our hands at making portraits.

I drew Kate, Kate drew Brynn, and Brynn drew Adrie. Adrie drew something that looked like Cannon as a zygote or something. See how we look...

Today is also Adrie's special day which means she will choose mac-n-cheese for lunch and hopefully something better for dinner.


Sherie Christensen said...

Good choice for food to Adrie. I love mac-n-cheese and picked it for birthday dinners all the time when I was young. Great artwork. I bet they had fun posing with the drawings in front of their faces too.

Megz said...

At first I was thinking what great art skills Kate had, but then I realized that it was Laura with the great skills. I really like Adria's nose.
Dang. No sounds from upstairs. There goes computer time as we all know silence breeds mischief.

cold cocoa said...

Art is fun. I still wish I could draw. Have my artwork all over my home and everyone else's. I guess it's never too late!

cold cocoa said...

PS. I love getting peeks at your kitchen! I love the cleanness of the white cabinets and the coolness of the blue. NExt time take a picture in the laundry room, would you?

TisforTonya said...

boticelli's got nothin' on your girls! really though - my neck isn't as thick as my head (probably because I have a big head), is it? ...hmmm, I'm going to be staring at the mirror this evening and Quinn will accuse me of vanity if I measure my neck circumference :)