Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter!
What a beautiful day to celebrate.

 Hooray for chocolate and new outfits...
We had a wonderful Easter Sunday Program at church this morning that Brandon directed. I sang in the choir. Both the primary and youth were involved. It was all about Jesus, very inspiring, and very beautiful music selections (that part was my job ;)

 Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ (The Family, A Proclamation to the World) That thought has been running through my head today and I believe it to be true!

We had our traditional ham and potatoes dinner--much like our Christmas dinner except we switched out orange rolls for cinnamon.  We enjoyed a balmy Spring walk, painted eggs, and will conclude the day with a community interfaith choir performance known as the Easter Convenio.  Yes, there was some sibling fighting arguing, a messy house, and "who stole my Cadbury egg??" in between all that loveliness. 

I love Easter. He lives! 

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