Thursday, April 2, 2015

Junior Prom Marathon

Sofie was living the teenage American dream by going to Junior Prom. 

Her date Sebastian

Our small town makes a BIG deal of Prom. The students practice for hours in the weeks prior, perfecting their ballroom dance with their partners. The couples are announced... Sofie, daughter of .... and her date Sebastian son of.... as they walk down the stairs and then pose for a photo. 
Brandon danced with Sofie in the special father daughter dance. Then there is a mother-son dance.

Sofie's date was not limited to just one evening. The next day, Saturday the boys took their dates up to the city to a trampoline park and the mall and dinner.
What an event! Sofie had a great time and enjoyed her date. I think she would also say she's glad it's all over.

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